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19 Formation - Separateur

Pour analyser votre test et vous répondre le plus rapidement possible, merci de bien vouloir compléter les informations ci-dessous avant d’attaquer le test en ligne.

    Question 1

    Have you ever been to London on business? No, but I haven’t been……….. but I’ll probably go next year.


    Question 2

    I ……… getting up at 06.00. It’s not as difficult as I thought.

    Am used toUsed toUsed

    Question 3

    Find the correct sentence.

    Sorry to be lateSorry for my lateSorry I’m late

    Question 4

    I went out without ………. money so I couldn’t buy a newspaper.


    Question 5

    He works in the same office………me.


    Question 6

    Our sales results are not very good, we……… find ……… customers.

    Ought / someNeed / manyShould / more

    Question 7

    (On the phone)
    "Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr Thompson please?"
    "Hold the line please, ……………"

    I’ll pass you himI’ll put you throughWait a minute

    Question 8

    The deadline for delivery is………March.


    Question 9

    It’s ………… but……… to take the train than to travel by car.

    Quickest / expensiverMore quick / more expensiveQuicker / more expensive

    Question 10

    If I had known English was important I………harder at school.

    Would workedWould have workedWould work

    Question 11

    Thank you for your help.

    It doesn’t matterNot at allIt’s nothing

    Question 12

    Do you mind if I open the window?

    Yes of courseIt doesn’t matterNot at all

    Question 13

    It was crazy to drive like that. You ……….. killed somebody.

    May haveCan haveCould have

    Question 14

    I…………. speak Spanish well but now I have forgotten a lot of vocabulary.

    WasUsed toBefore

    Question 15

    Twenty years ago………….12 factories around this town, now ……….only 3.

    They were / they areThere were / there areIt was / it is

    Question 16

    Find the question for this answer :
    Buy a big house.

    What would you do if you won the lottery?What would you do if you win the lottery?What do you do if you win the lottery?

    Question 17

    Find the question for this answer :
    She’s a teacher.

    What does she do ?What does she?What she does?

    Question 18

    This is the Sales Manager Joe Jones. I …….. met, have you ?

    Don’t think you’veDon’t know if youThink you haven’t

    Question 19

    We…………open a new factory in China in January but I don’t know who…………manage it for the moment.

    Shall / willAre going to / willWill / will

    Question 20

    Next year it……….150 years since this company started to manufacture cars.

    Will beShall beIs going to be

    Question 21

    This is …………winter for 20 years.

    The worstThe more badThe worse

    Question 22

    At last, after three days, they …….. get to the top of the mountain.

    Managed toSucceeded toCould

    Question 23

    Why are you turning off the computer? Because I’ve finished, …………..!

    I’ll go homeI go homeI’m going home

    Question 24

    The Eiffel tower………was built in 1889, is still popular with tourists.


    Question 25

    I’m not sure what ……

    Do they want.They want.Do they want?

    Question 26

    Peter arrived at the airport early……..he would not miss his plane.

    BecauseIn caseSo that

    Question 27

    A lot of electrical products……….in China.

    MadeIs makingAre made

    Question 28

    The spare parts we need…….. last night, but I’m not sure.

    May have arrivedShould arriveMight arrive

    Question 29

    Last year the company made …… so all the employees received a Christmas bonus.

    A lot ofMuchMany

    Question 30

    Have you sold………machines this year?


    Question 31

    We didn’t have the necessary tools to manufacture the part, so we………….by a sub contractor.

    Did it makeMade itHad it made

    Question 32

    She’s an old friend- I …. …. years.

    've known her / for've known her / sinceKnown her / for

    Question 33

    What is your boss like?

    I don’t like him.He likes his job.He is dynamic and interesting.

    Question 34

    ……… is it from London to Manchester ?

    How longHow farHow many

    Question 35

    Write a few sentences about yourself in English. (What is your job? What does your company do? Do you need to use English in your job? What do you find difficult in English? Do you travel for work / pleasure? What are your hobbies? Etc)

    Question 36

    Mr Brown…………at the station at 18h00.Can you ………. ?

    Is arriving / pick him upWill arrive / take himShall arrive / meet him

    Question 37

    I wonder if John ………. this evening.

    PhonesIs phoningWill phone

    Question 38

    When………..France last ………. the World Cup in Football?


    Question 39

    Petrol is much more expensive………..20 years ago


    Question 40

    Choose the correct option: A,B, C.

    What’s the weather like?What is the weather?How the weather is?

    Question 41

    Do you live in Madrid ?

    Yes, I amYes, I liveYes, I do

    Question 42

    I live in London but I wish I …………….in a small town.

    Would liveHave livedLived

    Question 43

    How do you do?

    How do you do?I’m a teacher.I’m very well.

    Question 44

    I wouldn’t mind …… abroad for a few years.

    WorkingWorkedTo work

    Question 45

    Find the question for this answer :
    They are from Brazil

    Where are they of ?Where is they from ?Where are they from ?

    Question 46

    Employees………….arrive on time for work.

    ShouldCanHave to

    Question 47

    This is the first time I ……… off sick in 15 years work.

    WasAmHave been

    Question 48

    How long have you been living in Madrid ?

    For 5 years5 years agoSince 5 years

    Question 49

    I look forward …….. you soon.

    To seeTo seeingSeeing

    Question 50

    I ‘ve got a problem………you help me please?


    Question 51

    As soon as she came in I knew I ………her before.

    SawHave seenHad seen

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